Actually, it is easier for me if sensei let me have the public defence on December...but I am hanging until February. Gosh! I don't know how can I make it. I will have a big conference in HK on Dec and might be TRB in January. Actually need to work on a lot of things but I don't feel happy because sensei is very very busy. Seems he doesn't care about us ...but I just don't know. I am wondering about a lot of things. We may be just need to swallow every uncertainty that waits for us.
Peoples say that 6 months is not a long time. But, thinking about the life after the 6 months is making me worried. I do want to be with my husband and I don't know how can I handle a life without him every night and day. The other sensei in my lab also stays far away from his family and he said he is really tired.
If one day I have to sacrifice my career because I need to be with my husband, I think I will do it. I do believe that people always have a choice to live a life that exactly good for them. But in my case, I cannot decide yet....I am praying that Allah makes it easy for us. To find a good job is hard, but to find the true love is even harder....
I maybe cheering up myself with some traditional dance performance. Yea...I love traditional dance. Dunno if I still have that skills.. because I think I am getting fat. I need more stamina and ebergy...However,I will take it as an experience and for another line in my CV!
That's all for now...Missing you very much my dear hubby...
Hang in there Ashraf and Enn! It will be painful at times, but endure and do not falter.
At moments we will always be reminded of just how precious one is to another.
Trust and patience is the key to keeping it together. Resolve conflicts before they sore and six months will pass before you even know it!
So keep smiling while knowing your heart is dancing to the tune of evergrowing love for the other... (Alamak malu la plak... pretend u don't know me ok)
Well said
just there's no LIKE button in here. If the blog has it, of course I'll click it.
Appreciate the advices. ^.~
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