Wednesday, November 17, 2010

All work and no play?

Projection toward future makes me dun want to play so much.
Abstract checked. ORT checked. Form from sensei (in progress).
Visa to TRB - Checked! yeay!

Time to work on HKSTS's slides.
Ready to go back to Hong Kong again.
But this is time with different perspective.
And hoping for better hotel...!

Once upon a time in Hong Kong.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Thank you Allah for Your blessing.
Alhamdulillah....meeting dgn sensei berjalan lancar.
Hantar thesis ke office end of november.
Noh Theatre on this coming Saturday "syoh no kai". I don't know the meaning. Wonder how can I understand/enjoy this show. Anyway, it is free from KAHF so...just feel it and experience it.

For those Kimutaku Fans..I osusume this movie...kind of tears dropping ^^!
..and Kimutaku is kakkoi like always...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tuassir

Kadang-kadang rasa pelik kan kenapa saya terlalu takut dengan sensei.

Esok nak meeting, malam ni rasa nak demam....
Ya Allah permudahkanlah. Biarlah semua berjalan ikut sebagaimana yang di rancang.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November's calender half full.

1. Meeting with sensei on 11th - hoping that he will check my thesis before end of November

2. Watching NOH performance with host family on 13th

3. Dance practice - every weekend - show on 28th

4. Interview with embassy - on 16th

5. HKSTS power point

6. TRB poster

7. Thesis abstracts before end of November...

I want to enjoy the autumn. But it is too cold!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ten tips to become a good writer

1. Read as Much as You Can
You've probably heard it before, but everyone says it because it is true. You can't be a good writer without being a good reader first. So, try to read as much as you can--pick up books that you like, books you don't like and books you never pictured yourself reading. You never know what you might get out of them.

2. Write as Much as You Can
Writing is just like everything else. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Remember, you are in charge of what, where and how much you write. Take control and make every effort to write as much as you can.

3. Take a Free Writing Course
Although professional training isn't a requirement to become a good writer, it certainly doesn't hurt. If you can't afford a pricey class or a writer's workshop, don't fret. There are plenty of good writing courses that can be taken for free online.

4. Read The Elements of Style
If you want to read about writing, you need to pick up a copy of The Elements of Style by William Strunk. This influential guide to English and grammar is one of the best books ever written on the topic. It includes eight elementary rules of usage, ten elementary principles of composition, a list of commonly misused words and other rules of form that you can't do without.

5. Build Your Vocabulary
You are bound to be more expressive when you write if you have more words at your command. When you come across a word you don't know, look it up and try to use it in your writing. Seek out vocabulary building exercises and do whatever else you can think of to increase the number of words you have at your disposal.

6. Become a Better Researcher
Good writing is rooted deeply in good research. It's much easier to craft a well-written book, article or manuscript when you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. You can become a better researcher by learning how to use the Internet effectively and efficiently.

7. Write for an Audience

When you write for yourself, it's easy to be lazy. But when you write for an audience, it's hard not to write your best. Do yourself a favor and put your work out there. Ask your friends and family to read what you have written, post it on blogs and sell it to media outlets. You'll build confidence and create something special on a regular basis.

8. Have Your Work Critiqued
Getting feedback from other people (your mom doesn't count) is one of the best ways to hone your writing skills. You can hire someone to read your work or get free critiques online. Joining a writer's group can also provide the support and help you need to become a better writer.

9. Learn How to Edit Your Own Work
Laurell K. Hamilton (author of the wildly popular Anita Blake series) once said that '70% of a first draft is garbage and 30% is gold'--and she couldn't be more right. Editing is part of writing. You're fooling yourself if you think you can write a piece once and be done with it. There is always something that can be improved upon. By taking the time to learn how to edit your own work, you virtually guarantee that you will become a better writer.

10. Forget Spell Check--Proofread
Proofreading is just as important as editing. Careless mistakes can cost you a job, embarrass you and ruin a good piece of writing. Always proofread what you write. Do it slowly and do it twice.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good news.

1. I try to boost up myself by watching The Apprentice. It works!

2. End up with organizing my schedule for Nov and Dec

3. Got mail form TRB…yeay….gotta make a good kick on poster session, at least it is an opportunity to go to US.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Love is a test

It is a very long time I left this bloggy thing. Yea..busy with the thesis and activities with my lovely husband. And now I am alone again. My sweet husband has went back for good. Have to start his job and new journey in USM. The feeling of being lonely is not good at all. I can feel like half of myself is far away from me. And I keep on putting myself together day by day and sometimes end up with doing nothing.

Actually, it is easier for me if sensei let me have the public defence on December...but I am hanging until February. Gosh! I don't know how can I make it. I will have a big conference in HK on Dec and might be TRB in January. Actually need to work on a lot of things but I don't feel happy because sensei is very very busy. Seems he doesn't care about us ...but I just don't know. I am wondering about a lot of things. We may be just need to swallow every uncertainty that waits for us.

Peoples say that 6 months is not a long time. But, thinking about the life after the 6 months is making me worried. I do want to be with my husband and I don't know how can I handle a life without him every night and day. The other sensei in my lab also stays far away from his family and he said he is really tired.

If one day I have to sacrifice my career because I need to be with my husband, I think I will do it. I do believe that people always have a choice to live a life that exactly good for them. But in my case, I cannot decide yet....I am praying that Allah makes it easy for us. To find a good job is hard, but to find the true love is even harder....

I maybe cheering up myself with some traditional dance performance. Yea...I love traditional dance. Dunno if I still have that skills.. because I think I am getting fat. I need more stamina and ebergy...However,I will take it as an experience and for another line in my CV!

That's all for now...Missing you very much my dear hubby...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

1. I just finished writing the chapter 7, need to edit according to the thesis format. Wish I could pass up the first draft to sensei.

2. I need to prepare the presentation slides for the conference but the secretariat does not email me the schedule yet. The conference is on 18th...another 2 weeks. I wonder why...

3. I need to correct the conference paper for HKSTS

4. I need to write a paper for EASTS

Both 3 and 4 dateline are on 30th Sept.

6. My mum said she wants to visit Japan in Dec. I hope I will have free time on Nov or Dec.....Nov is better because it is autumn.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Counting months

I keep on locking myself in house for these days. Alhamdulillah, the early period of Ramadhan was windy and cloudy. But for this second week, it might be a lil bit hot again. Still, I will keep on locking my self in the house. Right now, I am focusing on writing the thesis. Literature review is somehow very boring and need more patient to simplify and organize the ideas. And also, I am waiting for the reviewers' comments for some journals and conference. I am aiming to have final presentatation on December so I can relax a lil bit in heavy winter. Just sitting in front of the laptop is not fun at all...But I have too. I am counting the months ( plus minus 7-6 months ) to finish everything. Of course, I am eager to have a normal life once again!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The writing tasks

It has been a very long time I don't leave any 'scratch' in this blog. Sorry for not finishing the story of honeymoon. I just don't have much time to manage the blog.

I am very busy these days. I am hoping that I could finish writing on September and have a viva defence on Dec, but seems it is impossible. I am miserably did a very big false in analysis and have to re-do it again. I have Transport Policy, Accident Analysis Prevention, TRB and thesis to write. Not including the conferences.

Each time I got email from sensei, I couldn't eat well, (but I can sleep very well)... even couldn't think well. Because I am afraid of being scolded. I think most of us in Japan afraid of being scolded by senseis. I heard a lot of stories ( and some experienced by myself), that when it come to work, senseis or supervisors become very strict. Sincerely, the Japanese senseis aura are very different and I believe that only people that studied in Japan understand about it. Maybe it is culture.

But deep inside my heart, I keep on convincing myself that - even sensei get angry with my work, I learned it by myself, I bought the books by myself, I struggled on the task by myself coz my previous sensei got badly ill and then die, I don't have good basic on math and stats...I don't have classess for all the things that I want to know ( coz every class is in Japanese), I don't have friends to disscuss because I am the only PhD foreign student. I am not free....

Not only me experienced this, I believe... I just want to finish everything and pack my bags. Eagerly to reach the finish line. But.... a lot of tasks come...and here I go...back to work. Sigh!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cuti bulan madu di Gold Coast, Australia 3

Hari Ketiga

Kami memulakan hari ketiga kami di Gold Coast dengan menunggu van Scenic Hinterland Tours utk membawa kami ke Brisbane. Selain kami ada beberapa keluarga juga turut serta dalam tour ini. Perjalanan dari Gold Coast ke Brisbane mengambil masa kurang dari satu jam dan pemandu pelancong tak putus-putus memberi penerangan. Kami turut diminta memperkenalkan diri utk menjadikan keadaan lebih mesra.

Gambar kenang-kenangan di Kanggaroo Point

Lokasi pertama kami ialah Kanggaroo Point. Menurut pemandu pelancong, tempat itu dahulunya banyak kangaroo tetapi kini telah menjadi kawasan kediaman. Kami mengambil gambar Bandar Brisbane dari puncak kangaroo point ini. Seterusnya kami di bawa ke Chinatown. Oleh kerana masih awal pagi, tidak byk gerai yang telah dibuka. Kami hanya melihat-lihat kawasan sekeliling dan mengamati rekabentuk bangunan yg ada di situ.

Kami kemudiannya di bawa ke Mount Coot-tha dan Brisbane Botanical Gardens. Juga melewati Story Bridge, King Gorge Square dan AnZAC Square. Kami minta di turunkan di Big Wheel Southbank pada waktu leisure selama 1 setgh jam yg diberi utk bertemu Riduan dan keluarganya. Isteri Riduan, Zamzarina telah menyediakan nasi lemak lauk daging. Sangat menyelerakan utk makanan tgh hari itu. Tambahan pula, ini adalah kali pertama saya bertemu Raihan anak sulung mereka yg sgt cute. Raihan suka tersenyum dan tidak mengeluarkan suaranya sehinggalah malam menjelang. Baru dpt dgr suara si Raihan meng-agah2 kami. Raihan tidak byk kerenah dan tidak takut org. Semoga bila besar kelak, Raihan jadi anak yg solehah dan penyejuk hati keluarga Riduan dan isteri.

Bersama Raihan di Southbank Park (gambar atas)

Bersama Zamzarina (gambar bawah)

Oleh kerana tidak puas bertemu sahabat sekerja yg lama x jumpa, kami mengambil keputusan utk tidak mengikut tours yg seterusnya. Sebaliknya, Riduan mempelawa kami ke rumahnya. Kami berpeluang menaiki City Cat iaitu pengangkutan air di Brisbane. Harganya agak mahal utk satu perjalanan. Tetapi bg yg tinggal di Brisbane, menggunakan kad perjalanan pasti lebih murah dan cepat. Riduan membawa kami melewati kawasan yg popular utk melepak di Brisbane dan juga laluannya ke sekolah. Kami sempat membeli sedikit cenderahati utk dibawa pulang. Menggunakan City Cat kami dibawa oleh Riduan ke tempat letak kereta di sebuah kawasan rekreasi dan membawa kami pulang ke rumah. Berbanding dgn rumah saya di Jepun, rumah Riduan jauh lebih selesa dan luas. Kami berehat, bersolat dan bertukar2 cerita.

Setelah bersiap2 dan lelah mulai hilang, kami menaiki kereta menuju pulang ke Gold Coast. Kami singgah solat maghrib di masjid Gold Coast yg berkali ganda besar dari masjid yg kami ada di Jepun, baik di Kobe mahupun Tokyo. Nampaknya mengamalkan ajaran Islam lebih mudah di Australia berbanding di Jepun.

Kemudian kami merancang utk makan malam di sebuah restoran Malaysia. Walaupun makanan agak mahal tetapi ini adalah sebagai tanda kami menyokong perniagaan rakyat Malaysia di rantau org. Juga kami melihat2 di sebuah kedai cenderahati Royal Gift yg diusahakan oleh seorg peniaga berbangsa Cina yg berasal dr Sarawak. Saya sangat berkenan dengan karpet bulu kambing biri-biri yang berharga 45AUD. DI kedai lain ada yang menjualnya sehingga 200AUD!

Setelah menghabiskan masa bersama, kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan selamat maju jaya utk Riduan dan keluarga. Juga pada si kecil Raihan yg menawan hati. Mereka bertolak balik ke Brisbane dgn kereta. Jika ada kesempatan, balaslah kunjungan dgn jalan2 ke Kyoto pula. =).Malam itu, sang suami saya agak kelihatan dan tidur awal. Saya pula menonton Charlie’s Angel hingga tamat. Sungguh cantik pemandangan malam dr koridor bilik kami. Tidak sabar utk mengikuti tour yg seterusnya esok hari.

Cuti bulan madu di Gold Coast, Australia 2

Delayed post.

Continue .... =)

Hari Kedua

Waktu subuh di Gold Coast awal. Jadi kami tidur semula seusai Subuh dan apabila kami bangun semula pada jam 7.30pagi, hari telah pun cerah benderang dgn jalan-raya yg telah sibuk. Kami bersiap untuk ke salah satu tour booth utk mem-booking pakej yg kami rasakan menarik untuk keesokkan hari dan hari2 seterusnya. Plan kami utk hari kedua adalah ke taman tema. Gold Coast mmg terkenal dgn taman temanya. Ttp bg kami, cukuplah sekadar satu taman tema sahaja. Bagi yg menggemari taman tema, tiket pas masuk lebih murah jika dibeli mengikut pakej yg disediakan. (Boleh rujuk di google dgn kata kunci wet n wild@ dreamworld @movieworld gold coast). Sebenarnya pagi itu, tujuan pertama kami ialah ke Paradise Country. Tetapi oleh kerana laluan bas TX2 tidak berhenti di Paradise Country ttp sebaliknya di Movieworld, jadi kami menapak sejauh 0.5km. Harga tiket bas pergi balik dr Vibe Hotel ke Movieworld ialah 10AUD. Wet n Wild, Australia Outback Spectacular dan Movieworld adalah bersebelahan tetapi pintu masuk masing-masing terletak agak jauh. Lokasi ketiga-tiga taman tema ini, dibina di kawasan yg jauh dari tapak komersil atau taman perumahan.

Sepanjang kami menapak ke Paradise Country, kami melewati kandang-kandang kuda, unta dan kambing biri2. Harga tiket masuk ke Paradise Country dlm 19AUD seorang. Kami dibawa menaiki bus train (spt yg ada di zoo Negara) ke dlm Paradise Country. Sewaktu kami tiba, satu acara pertunjukan telah berakhir iaitu bagaimana cowboy menyalakan api untuk memasak. Pertunjukan seterusnya cara-cara mengendalikan kuda dan bergambar dgn anak unta berwarna hitam. Kemudian, pertunjukan mengendalikan cemeti , boomerang dan anjing pengawal kambing biri2. Ada juga demonstrasi memerah susu lembu. Kami bergambar dan turut mencuba memerah susu lembu. Kemudian demonstrasi mencukur bulu kambing biri2 dipersembahkan. Saya

sgt teruja dan berkesempatan memegang pelbagai jenis kambing biri2. Mutu bulu kambing biri2 adalah berdasarkan jenisnya.Seterusnya, kami makan tgh hari yg disediakan. Kami memilih hidangan BBQ ikan dan makan hingga kenyang kerana kami akan menapak balik ke Movieworld. Kami sempat berkenalan dgn 2 org pelancong dr Singapura. Sebelum melangkah keluar dari Paradise Country, kami sempat melihat-lihat kangaroo dan koala. Mereka sgt comel.

Cuaca pada pukul 1 tghhari agak panas. Kami berharap agar ada yg sudi menumpangkan kami ke Movieworld. Syukur Alhamdulillah, sebuah kereta merah berhenti untuk menumpangkan kami. Steven dan pasangan berasal dr KL telah bercuti di Brisbane selama 2 hari. Itu adalah hari pert

ama mereka di Gold Coast. Mereka menyewa kereta dgn kos 49AUD utk 2 hari. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka dan berpisah apabila smpai di pintu masuk Movieworld.Agenda pertama kami ialah menyaksikan Hollywood Stunt. Memang superb !!!

Sebenarnya Movieworld jauh lebih kecil berbanding Universal Studio Japan. Oleh kerana hari itu ialah hari Jumaat, pengunjung pun tidak terlampau ramai.Namun masih perlu beratur utk bergambar dgn Marilyn Monroe, Cat Woman dan Super Friends. Saya sempat mencuba Scooby Doo Ride, Batman Ride dan tayangan 4D Shrek. Untuk mencuba roller coaster Superman Escape saya dan pasangan langsung tidak berani. Taman tema ini tutup pada pukul 5 petg. Kami solat jamak di musolla yg disediakan dan berangkat pulang dgn bas menuju ke hotel.

musolla di movieworld

Setelah berehat dan solat jamak,pada pukul 6.30ptg kami keluar utk mencari nite market yg dikatakan ada di persisir pantai surfers paradise setiap hari Selasa dan Jumaat. Agak lama mencari akhirnya kami dpt melihat brg2 buatan tgn yg dijual di nite market tersebut. Tidak byk yg boleh dibeli sekadar hanya mencuci2 mata. Kami terserempak dgn Nun Azim dan Haris. Kami minta nombor telefon tour agent dan diajak oleh mereka utk lepak di Starbuck. Mereka turut mnyewa kereta utk 2 hari. Kami saling bertukar pengalaman dan cerita dan pulang ke penginapan masing2 lebih kurang jam 8.30 malam. Saya dan pasangan mengambil keputusan utk menyewa internet utk 24jam. Malam itu kami berehat di bilik dan melayari internet. Saya mengambil kesempatan utk menghubungi Riduan dan mengatur janji temu di Brisbane.