Ok. Perak is in chaos. It makes history - a state that has two MB. I am not going to comment on this situation. This is not my expert thou.... It is just I need to construct a visual of a reality. (?). How am I suppose to say this ... It is hard to write than throw it in verbal.
Let me make it clear. My SV inspired me when he talked about moral obligation and his responsibility for the young generation in Japan. He write a book entitled Social Dilemma and he has a class for this subject. It is in Japanese Language so I cannot attend the class. Two phases "moral obligation" and "social dilemma" hit my mind and patriotism. Or it is a moral obligation feeling!
It is hard for me to describe moral obligation and social dilemma stuff here. I am lack of words. But if anybody interest about it, just hit the Google and read about it. Yup, it is a kind of social psychology thing but what it has to do with transportation anyway? If you have the opportunity to live in this Japanese community, you must be surely understand what it is all about. It is not just about the area or field of knowledge but it is about the fundamental of a society's mind set.
When I first came to Japan, I asked myself...why is this community has such as this kind of manner - respect others'. It is just like what everybody else thing about. Then, me and my friend got the opportunity to understand the meaning of 'I have rights for my own thing, don't dare to disturb. Please respect!' - Japanese are really strict for their own things - like car park, private stuff, even tranquility. However, they are also very respect to public/sharing stuffs...if you have a dog, so you have the responsibility for the dog's "excrement"... Please pick it up!
What is this all about? It is a fundamental of moral obligation and social dilemma. They fix the social dilemma by educating the nations with moral obligation. Sounds easy but how did they make it? Back to Malaysia's situation with political error (?), mat rempits, accidents, bribery, crimes, etc.... we actually lack of this fundamental of moral obligation. It is because we cannot understand what is our social dilemma all about and we never make a pure, focus and vigorous step to make a research on it. So, we failed to educate our nations what is the meaning of tolerate and success. ( Read more on Prisoner's Dilemma.)
The interesting fact here is these kind of social psychology things play with probabilities, statistics and mathematics which the Japanese are really strong. It is about the Game Theory that has something to do with transportation modelling and travel behavior analysis. It is also play rules in economic and urban planning. Is it means that because of we are lacking this math things we failed to understand the dilemmas?? Is it means because we don't know how to build up a prediction model, so we failed to fix the social problems??
We, researchers have a lot of works to do. Called by my SV's determination towards his young Japanese - I feel a moral obligation towards mine too...How about you?
p/s: our politic is just suits the prisoner's dilemma case!
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