Kisah turun naik perjuangan dan pengalaman saya mengejar PhD di Kyoto University, Jepun. Kadang-kala ada watak teman-teman lain yang menyeri kehidupan, kerana kehidupan insan fitrahnya tidak pernah bersendirian. Bahasa yang digunakan tidak formal dan lebih kepada bentuk diari. Sesungguhnya dengan cara mengingati apa yang berlaku, melatih minda menjadi fokus terhadap sesuatu. Saya akan cuba berhati-hati untuk tidak menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak, dalam blog ini.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The weather is no good. Too cold and I can't read even a sentence. Gosh....too stress and gloomy for all the day. Nope two days...started yesterday. And might be continued to weeks and weeks after this. But I heard that the cold season is the best season for Japanese to work. Yup, they are bz in these nov, dec, jan and feb...
I wonder how Japanese can follow the rules - mostly all the rules. I did some blogging to search on speed limits in Malaysia and what I have got is something that shameful. Most of the repliers to speed limit’ topics show inconsideration towards the rules. Malaysian want to drive like drivers in Autobahn but it is not possible. First, it is because we are very far from the automobile technology. Second, we don’t have that matured attitude – respects to the laws like the matured motorized countries have. Sometimes I feel that Malaysian peoples are too demanding.
I keep on sighing since I have got the results from my experiment. It is hard to make the arguments and contradictions. The results are of course, on the track of hypotheses and previous researches, but I can’t give the robust solution towards Malaysian attitude. It is not only in terms of road safety but mostly for all social contacts.
My findings show that social norm is the highest predictor for the behaviors. Social norm is perception on what other peoples’ do. As a human we are usually attracted to do the same things as others. For example, in my study it is shows that, if the motorcyclists perceived other motorcyclists did involved in speeding and not using helmet, they likely to engage with the behaviors too.
I do agree that sensation of speeding is something that hard to control. Some peoples are really confident that they can manage their speed, but some peoples are actually over confident. In my point of view, what we can do is by educating them by why they can’t speed, where they can’t speed and how to speed safely.
They need to be informed that, speeding had caused the highest severity in road accident because high speed increases the accelerations and this could cause skidding especially while an emergency break is needed. I wonder how many cars in Malaysia do equipped with ABS systems. Our motorcycles… of course don’t have the ITS (Intelligent Transport System)’s equipments yet. However, if they really confident that their machines are fully prepared, then they have to know how to control the environment, which road they can speed fast and which path they have to show respects for the vulnerable road users.
Well, there are a lot of things that I want to exclaim for examples the peoples’ trust to government/ authorities like JPJ, PDRM etc, the education systems, our moral obligation… but it might be too long lonely discussion for this blog. As a conclusion we, Malaysian, do not matured yet in many things. In terms of technology (of course), our mind, our attitude, our perspective … still learning and searching for the best way to become a better country. I am hoping that the opportunity to explore the knowledge in developed countries that the government had given to the lecturers/researchers, will result in better understanding in order to tune the Malaysian’s negative attitudes and perspectives to positive.