Monday, August 31, 2009

Suddenly I wanna ask Anwar Ibrahim, why he become an opposition?
Isn't he is the one who open the stage for the unfinish debate about racist.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Right to talk~~~

Well,it is 20th, and maybe we will celebrate Ramadhan in 22th. It's mean that it is already 20 days I came back from Malaysia. I now working on regression analysis. Have to learn the multiple regression before can use logistic regression for my data. Who said statistic is easy? It is simple to play with the tools whatever it is, but it is hard to interprate every single numbers and symbols. Ghezzzze....PhD.

It is not my first aim for writing today. Again, it is about my lab. It is not easy to live in Japan. It is what I feel after nearly two years I am living here. Maybe it is because my lab's environment.

We will have 4 days conference and I am not being invited to join while the other labmates are busy working on preparation. That is what I feel. They held a meeting with everybody involved but not me and another foreign student. Feel that my lab has a little bias towards foreign students. I have face this situation since I came here. I feel lonely, no body to discuss about how hard living in Japan, how hard to understand this and that in research works, even what the agendas for lab, usually I know nothing. I tried to approach them but seems it is hard for them to mingle around with me.

That's why I don't really suggest if there is any of my friend that want to pursue their PhD here in Japan (especially my lab) if they don't have the basic Japanese. If they really want to, please make sure that the SV has grants, be able to speak english and had supervised a lot of foreign students. Do not choose by the rank of University. But choose depends on the SV.

I admit how I admire Japan very much before I came here, but it is very different that what you see in JDrama. Living in Japanese communitee sometime can make you suffer inside, and you have to know how to deal with it.

About research in Japan, especially for my area, it is not about the outcome, but about the learning process. I learn to be patient, I learn to think, I learn to learn....and I learn to keep my feeling deep inside. I believe people will say that it is PhD. But I do say that PhD in Japan is different because of their culture.

Well, again, it is just my experience. I don't really want to express this feeling but I just want to state something for myself, which is - PhD is not totally about academic,journals, conference etc, but it is about building our self esteem, knowing and understanding our weaknessess and strength, and also learn how to spread some love even we are stress and depress~~~ :)

Small 'da' - paddy field in my area. Can you see that yellow thing? It is used to fright small birds from eat the paddy, I think....but I actually dunno the purpose...hehe.... It is very calming bicycling near the paddy field sometimes....but I think the sceneries of paddy field in Malaysia are more beautiful.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Data investigation in summer holiday.

The people in Japan are in the mood of holiday, I think. It is a time for many festivals and fireworks. But, I just came back with files of data to analyze. I really want to see hanabi (fireworks) but I think I have to skip it again for this year. I see some trees start turn to red and I wonder why, because it is still in summer. I like the scenery of autumn but I like summer more. Feel like in Malaysia.

Well, I want to write about a lot of things but seem that I don’t have enough fingers to work with me. Today entry is more about my work for these few days after I came back to Japan.

I am in a stage of describing and investigating my data. Before I can use it into AMOS, I have to assure that all the variables are fit with normal distribution curve bell or else it might be affecting my analysis. But the AMOS program that I used in school don’t has the summary of normality test like has been stated in books or notes. I wonder why. I am using the AMOS Basic version 5, and the part for testing the normality and outliers is also there.

However, I think it is ok because I can examine the normal distribution with SPSS. The normal distribution can be checked through the critical ratio of Skewness and Kurtosis. It is suppose to be in range of positive to negative 2.58 for each variable and also for the sum of variables (multivariate). If the data is non-normal then, have to check either there is any outlier and delete the strange data before test the bell curve once again.

About more than 50% of my respondents are in the range of 15 to 25 years old motorcyclists. When I take out the older respondents from the analysis, it shows that attitude has played the role to influence their behaviours.

I want to write about the content of my discussion with the director of MIROS last month, but maybe I will write it later. I am now learning how to interpret the numbers in AMOS output. I feel relief now, because I already have data and it is time for me to write the papers and go to some conferences. I have to make it fast!

Happy summer!