Thursday, March 19, 2009

Introducing the cute little fella

Last week we had visitors from Ampang. It was their first visit to Japan. Before - I always heard about this lil fella from his 'Pak Ngah.' His Pak Ngah told us that this little fella has a lots of talent. When I met him - Yes, he does! He can express his feelings in English very well even he is actually just 6 years old boy (he is studying in International School-lah, that's why..). He likes cartoons very much and almost for all the time he talked about the characters that he had saw. PSP was always in his hands. He is so sweet talker (in a positive way) and talented. Friendly, charming and easy going.

Me and the Pak Ngah entertained this lil fella with his beloved mom and dad to Kobe, Osaka, USJ and also Shogetsu (for yakisoba and okonomiyaki). This lil guy really had a great fun in USJ . Wonder how he did it but his figure and character naturally attracted the Japanese peoples. So he got Japanese friends on that day. Sometimes I had a lil chat with him and he really likes acting and making faces.

On last Tuesday, they went back to Malaysia. It is another experience for the ryugakusei like me -living far away from my family and entertaining the visitors that come and go really makes me miss my home- my parents-my siblings-my stuff in Malaysia.

But I do have a great time as a tourist guide!! These are the photos of lil Firdaus.

Firdaus made a scary face becoz we just finished the Jurassic Park's Ride. But he was the one who resisted to join.

Me and Lil Firdaus before entering the 4D Sesame Street

Owh....this is the Pak Ngah (?) before has the new cut.

This week we will busy for satsugyo-shiki for the undergraduates students. Yana, Farah, Kimi and the boys will go back for good. Nesh and Hannin will extend for Master study. Congrates to Ee and welcome to Kyoto University!! I wish I have a time to send them some appreciation on this 25th. still upside down like alwizz...^^

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Check your bicycle before moving towards PhD

Are you ready to work independently?

Are you have enough energy to fight loneliness?

Is your brain smart enough?

Does your sv fits your research's interest?

What is your secret weapon towards sudden blurr in research?

Are you confident with your topic?

Are you really want to ride the bicycle or use other mode of transport?

sometimes we may feel that we are not good, but never stop the willingness to learn.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I try to be positive - but its getting hot in my head!

With Note
Dear Nur, As for the cycle lane, please visit the web pages below. If you cannot understand the detail, please ask someone Japanese student to translate the article.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gimme sustainable 'Minyak Cap Kapak'

2 weeks after sensei left us.

Macam-macam perkara berlaku, siang dan malam, malam dan siang bertukar ganti. Tetapi kalau di namakan pening tentang hal kenkyuu ini, ada masa ia berhenti ada masa ia terus memenngkan. Pendek kata mungkin hidup selama 3 tahun dalam kepeningan.

Walau bagaimanapun, jangan putus asa! Walaupun jalan yang dilalui kadang kala menunjuk ke arah jalan yang berbengkok-bengkok.

Associate Prof saya nampaknya sangat berminat untuk menggantikan Kitamura Sensei sebgai sv baru saya. Juga cakap-cakap mengenai pengganti tempat Kitamura Sensei iaitu Fujii Sensei dari Tokyi Institute Technology adalah sangat kibishi.....Juga kerana saya terpaksa menanti kehadiran beliau sehingga April ini...menyebabkan saya mendapatkan khidmat Associate Prof ini terlebih dahulu.

Tetapi, bertambah pening kepala saya apabila, saya terpaksa UP sedikit kerja untuk membandingkan antara risk perception sang motosikalis di Malaysia dengan sang basikalis di Jepun. Memang di Jepun basikal merupakan kenderaan berdaftar paling tinggi walaupun tidak bermotor. Tetapi apakah mungkin dapat di bandingkan antara 2 jenis pengguna jalan raya ini, dan perbandingannya adalah di antara negera maju dan negara (yang mahu maju tetapi sibuk dengan hal politik (?) )yang membangun?

Kerja-kerja untuk mengenal pasti kaitan antara risk perception dan risky behavior saja masih belum selesai, sudah terpaksa di tambah dengan satu framework baru....

Kata Yoshii sensei....kajian ini kan jadi omoshiroi...harap-haraplah.. saya paste kan satu senario basikalis di Jepun yang saya dapati dari Japan Times untuk bacaan umum

Dear Alice,
I was more than a little shocked, upon moving to Japan last year, to see people riding bicycles on sidewalks. Back in Arizona, in the United States, sidewalks are for pedestrians, and it's illegal to ride a bike on one. Each time I ride my bike in Tokyo I wonder if I'm breaking the law. A friend told me it's OK to cycle on either the road or the sidewalk, but another said riding on the sidewalk is only permitted where there are signs that say so. I don't think I've seen such a sign and am not sure I'd recognize one if I did. What the heck are the "rules of the road?" (Or should I say "sidewalk?")

Mark J., Tokyo

Dear Mark, Your second friend is correct. Sort of. Officially, cycling is permitted on sidewalks only where there is a sign that says it's OK, and you could be cautioned or ticketed by the police for riding on a sidewalk anywhere else. Unofficially, the situation is more complex. You're unlikely to get in trouble with the police for riding a bicycle on any sidewalk in Japan, but it could depend on how you're riding and the discretion of the officer who sees you. How's that for a definitive answer?

There is indeed a sign that permits bicycles on sidewalks, but I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it. I've been biking around Tokyo every day for six years, but until I got your question I had never noticed one. Known (to an official few) by the unwieldy moniker of jitensha oyobi hokosha senyo doro hyoshiki (bicycle- and pedestrian-use only road sign), it's a blue circle with a silhouette of an adult man walking with a child, and below and to their right, a bicycle.
Until about 1970, when these signs first started appearing, it wasn't permitted to ride on sidewalks at all. But the rapid increase in the number of automobiles during the first postwar decades forced bicyclists up onto the sidewalks for sheer safety. Traffic was chaotic, and there were few of the safeguards we take for granted today, like guardrails and pedestrian lights. Readers who were in Japan in the '60s and '70s may remember the term kotsu senso (traffic war), coined when traffic fatalities first exceeded the number of Japanese who were killed in the Sino-Japanese war. Dangerous traffic became a social issue, and one strategy to reduce deaths was to change the law to allow bicycles on designated sidewalks.

The trouble with that is that pedestrians and bicycles move at different speeds, and forcing them to share the same space increases the likelihood that they'll crash into each other. In 2005, there were 2,435 collisions between bicycles and pedestrians in Japan that were serious enough to be reported to the police. In six of those accidents there was a fatality.

Other countries have reduced traffic fatalities by providing separate space for motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, but Japan has been slow to adopt the idea of dedicated bicycle lanes, partially because of a lack of space. Not surprisingly, riding a bicycle in Japan is a lot more dangerous than in other developed countries. According to data from the International Road Traffic and Accident Database, more people die on bicycles in Japan than in Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands put together. Japan also has far more cycling fatalities than the U.S., despite having less than half as many people.

The National Police Agency recently held a symposium on how to make cycling safer. The attitude of the police representatives, according to one participant, was that bicycles should be moved off the roads completely, even if they've got no other place to go but straight into pedestrians' paths. This is one reason why I say you're unlikely to get stopped by the police for riding on a sidewalk, even where it isn't permitted. They like you there. Another reason is that all the police officers I spoke to assured me they look the other way unless the cyclist causes an accident or is doing something else illegal.

That's a good reason to learn the other rules concerning bicycles. Japanese law defines a bicycle as a conveyance for one person, although an adult is allowed to carry one child up to the age of 6, as long as the child is in a seat designed for the purpose. Which means all those moms who ferry two kids at once are breaking the law. So are the high school students and lovey-dovey couples who engage in flagrant futari nori unten (two people on one bike).

You'd never know it from casual observation on a rainy day, but kasasashi unten (riding with an open umbrella) is also against the law in Japan. So is doing anything that impairs your ability to operate the bicycle safely, including talking on a mobile phone. But except for occasional crackdowns on riding at night without a light, the police rarely go after cyclists. They're certainly not likely to chase after a mama chari (mommy bike) because there are two kids aboard.
However, the law against inshu unten (driving under the influence of alcohol) applies to bicycles too, and while rare, there have been arrests for drunk riding. So it's a good idea to walk your bike home after hitting the bottle. Just be sure to stay on the sidewalk, and watch out for plastered pedestrians!