Tuesday, December 30, 2008

pictures of 2008

Nagano (Iwatake Hakuba) Jan 2008
Arashiyama (winter) Feb 2008
Kumamoto (Mount Aso) Feb 2008
Fukui Ken Mac 2008
Tokyo Disneysea
Kansai Taikai Bowling (Osaka)

Amanohashidate & Gion Matsuri Julai 2008
Mount Fuji August 2008
Aidil fitri Sept 2008Hong Kong Sept 2008

Mount Rokko Oct 2008
Arashiyama (Fall) Nov 2008
Nagoya and Ise Trip Dec 2008
Meota Iwa Dec 2008

Too many pictures in 2008. These are some of it. More to go in 2009. But 2009 is a hard year for kenkyuu...... But experience is another thing needs to be explored. JAUH BERJALAN LUAS PERMANDANGAN.

Monday, December 22, 2008

People just don’t care about others….that’s why…

People's in HK don't really care about others. They just want to make sure their business in a good run.

Well I’m talking about my research. I’m searching for the answers of tons and tons questions that apparently appeared from my sensei’s mouth and also from the black hole inside my brain. Na…..I’m not going to develop a new theory of attitude or behavior. I just want to understand and make other people understand (one day if I could) that people’s are just so self- centered, selfish, egoistic and so on. They just don’t care about others. That’s why the accidents happen. Why people like to exceed the speed limit and claim that they have the power (machine, money, status), so why need to follow the rules? People that always point out their fingers towards others just don’t care about others…. People who don’t care about others just live in this world according to their own perception without noticing that it could be influence other peoples too.

For many cases in this life, self-centered are the causes of the unbalance situation. Politic, economic, management, social relationship, family matters, etc. It is just so human nature. That’s why when we are dealing with the human behavior, it takes longer time than we expected…. It is so complicated if people don’t want to understand that their behaviors have an impact to the society, world and others’ feelings or life. For us, let’s be more noble and generous. Try to be unselfish. Maybe we can help other people to understand the appropriate way to behave.

Don’t speed! It could increase the fuel consumption and it is danger for you and also other vulnerable road users. You can change it!

P/S : Thanks to some friends – who are not being selfish in this relationship.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sayonara Random Walk!!!

Perjalanan masa tidak pernah berhenti. Tetapi pasti ada saja sesuatu yang akan berakhir. Satu-satunya kedai yang menjual majalah dan buku-buku bahasa English di Kyoto – Random Walk- akan ditutup pada 15hb Januari. Sekarang sedang berlakunya SALE 50-70% bagi semua majalah dan buku-buku. Inilah satu-satunya kedai di mana saya dapat melampias rindu atau gian untuk membaca buku-buku atau majalah ringan seperti Reader's Digest. Atau lebih tepat tempat membunuh rasa bosan dan stress apabila perlu.

Random Walk akan ditutup kerana satu-satunya syarikat yang mengedar buku-buku international telah jatuh bankup. Aduhai sedih, kerana sangat sukar untuk mendapatkan buku-buku bahasa English di Jepun. Jika ada sesiapa tahu di mana kedai buku atau majalah bahasa English di Kyoto ini, sila maklumkan kepala saya. Biarpun pada zaman ini, segalanya mudah dengan maklumat di hujung jari, tetapi saya kurang gemar membaca melalui internet. Pergerakan terbatas. Teknologi internet tidak dapat menggantikan nilai sentimental yang ada pada buku………

Sayonara Random Walk, harap-harap 15hb Januari saya dapat menjejakkan kaki ke jualan SALES buku-buku tersebut untuk kali terakhir………………