Wednesday, October 28, 2009

end of oct

Should I call it as a lucky day, when the first person I met at school was my sensei. I said ohayou gozaimasu and he remind me to have some meeting according to my results. Well, I am now working on paper and hoping to finish it in this week. But, October will finish in two more days and seems that I will never make it.

I am waiting for the reply from LISBON and really hope that I can join the conference there. It will be my first! But I know that sensei is more interested in writing journals than sending student to conference (while there is no budget for that I think!) UTHM is giving incentive for staff that wrote papers in high impact journals. That’s push my eager button to write journals. Besides, there is also incentive for writing books! If only I can concentrate on that!

My moving activity was finished, yet, I still need to meet the previous house’s oyasan for the checking day on 31st. And the contract for parking will be also stopped. So, the car will be parked in school’s parking which is free until we decide when to send it to be scrapped. From now on, I am a public transport user and getting more focus on the bus schedule but it is fun actually.

I think that’s it all for this morning. How I wish I have a better English to make me easy to write those journals.


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Jadual sensei bulan 10 dan awal bulan 11

10月5 午前中東京→夕方から大阪(近畿地方整備局@塚田さん)
6 東京(土木学会JABEE委員会→夕方からIBSで打ち合わせ)
7 新潟(新潟国道事務所)
8 新潟→4時から学内会議→終了後京都市内会議
9 終日在室予定1
0から12 社会心理学会@阪大
13 午前中東京→夕方5時から学内会議
14 東京(国土交通大学→虎ノ門で会議)→宿泊
15 東京→京都へ移動10時から市内で京都市の所用→午後在室
16 午前中調整中→午後大阪
19 午前中調整中→午後京都→夕方東京
20から26 スウェーデン27 午後京都市委員会
28 東京(土木学会コンサルタント委員会)
29 在室予定
30 座間市委員会
11月2 午前中吉田講義→午後在室予定
4 東京(早稲田竹村先生研究会)→宿泊
5 東京(土木学会コンサルタント委員会→IBS会議)
6 午前中KBS京都ラジオ→京阪奈で研究会8~10 土木学会の所用で不在

Jadual saya bulan 10 - packing barang dan pindah rumah + siapkan report dan paper.
Sudah cukup untuk membuatkan kepala saya dilanda headache dek kurang rehat sejak akhir2 ini.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Congestion - is it really bad?

I had another happyo last tuesday. It is not as good as in Nagoya. But sensei said that from what I have done, I am supposed to have 2 papers on that. Majide? I myself don't really satisfied with the result but well, I should try to write a journal before Dec.

I am trying to understand the transportation condition in Japan. Not much can be discuss with sensei and other nihonjin friends. I tend to observed by my own and compare as much as I can to Malaysia's condition.

I read a lot of comments in internet about congestion in Malaysia. I believe that people want to get to their destination as fast as they could. But a lot of vehicles caused the traffic jam. In Malaysia, this is the most important research focus in 90's era. Then, the authorities such as DBKL, PLUS etc started to install the foundation of ITS system to reduce the congestion.

In this era, another big issue has been raised up. It is about road accident. It just being realized that speeding is a big issue. First, we want to make the traffic flow goes smooth ...then it's turned to disaster due to road accidents.

It is not just problem occurs in Malaysia. It is same with Japan and all other countries in the world. Plus, the traffic congestion in Japan is worse than Malaysia. The number of cars on the road increasing year by years. It takes one hour to get from a place like KLIA to Bangi where we can to make it in 20-30 minutes . The traffic calming they use is traffic lights. There are a lot of traffic lights in Japan which Malaysian hate the most!

However, because of this slow speeding, the number of fatality in Japan is really low. The car accident is rarely happen but, the accidents involving the bicyclist and pedestrian are getting rise in numbers.

I can't say that what I see in Japan is good where people rely on public transport, bicycle and walking. But, this is what happen in developed countries. They try to switch the mode of transport from motors to people energy. However in Japan, it is more complicated where when all people walking, the congestion among pedestrian occurs. The pedestrians need to share the narrow lane with bicycles, motorcycles and cars. Then, they become very vulnerable in roads.

I believe, relying on car means a lots. It makes our life easier to move. But sometimes we take advantage and drive without realizing it is beyond our limit of conscious controls. And the traffic congestion - it is good in certain ways such as controlling the accident rate that caused by over speeding as long as it not make you stuck at the same point more than 5 minutes. That's the aim of traffic calming in Japan.